bodysurfing wipeout

By: Todd Partridge • 

Yeah, I get it. Bodysurfing has a reputation for being about a ½ second free-fall into painfully shallow water ten feet from dry sand. Yes there are feats of bravado, finesse and gamesmanship taking place –think figure eight racing or squirlsuit flying, and it makes for great video. That’s all well and good if you’re a flexible and carefree 13 year old (well maybe not figure eight racing or squirlsuiting). For most of us we’ll end up breaking our necks or dislocating various body parts. The best we can hope for on...

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beach wetsuits men surfers

By: Leap of Her •

Here’s the thing guys. We love to watch you surf, we really do. If only we could see you. At my guy’s favorite break he’s usually one of at least 10 small black specks in the big  blue. And he’s not the guy that finds a spot and stays there waiting for the set to come in. He is constantly moving. So if I look away for a minute, I’ve lost him. Of course I recognize him once he stands up, but I have to know where he is first, otherwise I miss most of the ride. Forget about getting a good...

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By: Todd Partridge •

Apparently using a handboard is not for everyone, but that’s no excuse not to throw one behind the seat of your truck. I mean, why not? It doesn’t take up much room and you probably have a pair of fins back there anyway. Next time you’re sitting there looking at smoking little drainers charging through, you’ll have just what you need for a little extra travel time in said drainers. That handplane is also going to greatly increase the odds of you popping out of your next barrel and who doesn’t want that? Yeah, sure there are ‘purists’ that think it’s uncool or...

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By: Leap of Her •

We’ve noticed a trend of killer complicated strappy-back swimwear for women this season. Guys, I’m here to tell you that your girlfriend is going to need a little help back there. Even if she’s an acro-yogi, some of these styles she will NOT be able to get into herself. Those of you who learned advanced knot tying in the Navy should be fine. Anyone old enough to remember macramé will know what I’m talking about. Keen concentration...

Image: Beach Riot x Free People


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cheeky swimwear

By: Leap of Her • 

The ass is having a moment. No question. It’s all anyone is talking about.

Gone are the days when your girl would ask you “does my ass look fat in these jeans?” in hopes that your answer would be NO. (The answer to that question, btw is always “you look amazing, babe”)

Not convinced by the Kim Kardashian/Nikki Minaj/IggyAzalia trifecta? Head to the beach. The female posterior has been having its moment on SoCal beaches for years, and  we are happy to...

Victoria's Secret

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puredrift water filtersSole Handplanes is proud to partner with Pure Drift on their mission to buy and distribute filters that will clean 200,000,000 gallons of water for people who don’t have access to clean water along the coast of North, Central and South America. Please join us in supporting this great cause by visiting their gofundme page, see link below. The campaign runs from July 1st to July 31st.

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Sole Body Surfing Handplanes